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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.


CarmenYong ♥

Decemeber 8th [Present wanted!! :D]


Friendly, kind [HAHAHAH], thickskin, etc etc etc :B

I love my awesomeness friends ♥


School:Primary - CHIJ OLQP. Current - CHIJSTC! ♥

Age:Turning fourteen this year my dear ♥

tagboard .
Talk to me ♥

links and credits .
Designer/ %PURPUR.black-
Colour Code Icons

-Adora Tan-
-Celeste Er-
-Cherie Cheah-
-Christine Ang-
-Esther Chong-
-Felicia Lim-
-Jacinth Toh-
-Janice Chew-
-Natalie Tan-
-Nicole Lim-
-Nicole Yong-
-Shannon Tan-
-Syafiqah Rodrigues-
-Tammy Tham- -Tricia Lim-
November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 May 2008 September 2008 October 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 August 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 { 4:14 PM }

I'm thankful for you...
But sometimes i wish
You weren't in my life
Because not only did you bring
Happiness to me
You've brought me
Pain and suffering together with it.

The way life is
Is not controllable
And i wish upon a shooting star
That one day
Everything would just turn out alright for me

Who knew
That a person like you
Could make me feel so many different emotions
A person like you.
I wish
That one day
These feelings would stop
These feelings would always be there
As long as you were my friend
I beg of you
Please don't make me feel like this

Can we pretend that airplanes in the nightsky
Are like shooting stars?
I could really use a
Wish right now
Wish right now
Wish right now

You think you know me
But really
You don't
If you really did know me
You would understand the pain you brought me through
And not
Continuously kick me down
When i fall

The people that really care for you
Maybe those that you least expect
You've been close to me for many years
But instead of you noticing me
Whenever i feel down
Someone that just known me
Was the first to realize it
She shown me care and concern
Something that you didn't
And what really made me feel sad
Was the fact that
The one that known me most
Was the one that didn't notice my sadness
But someone who's only known me
And i'm thankful for her for that day
But it brought me painful memories
On what you couldn't give me.

{ 3:10 PM }

Time moves fast
Sometimes even too fast
It was never controllable
And it will never be
The fate of our births
Are still left unknown
What are we gonna end up as
Who we are gonna end up with
How will our lives will turn out
Will be unknown to us
How our deaths will turn out as
The deaths of our loved ones
The horror of deaths
The unpredictable fear
Some look back at their pasts full of regrets
While others look back without regrets
They can have a choice
Of starting anew
Or not doing anything
We all want to rewind time
To rewind all the Joy, Sadness and Anger
We all want to have that experience again
Just one more time
But we all know
That it's just impossibile
Eyes filled with tears
We can only remember
The small pieces of our pasts
The friendship, family and love we had
Were all passed
Just in the blink of an eye
How i wish
That time would stop
For even just a second

Copywritted - Carmen Yong
I was feeling down, and was thinking of the past. And suddenly i managed to write this out(:
It really expressed me, so yeah(:
It's not really good, i wrote it all out in one go.
But tell me what you think, yeah? ^^