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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.


CarmenYong ♥

Decemeber 8th [Present wanted!! :D]


Friendly, kind [HAHAHAH], thickskin, etc etc etc :B

I love my awesomeness friends ♥


School:Primary - CHIJ OLQP. Current - CHIJSTC! ♥

Age:Turning fourteen this year my dear ♥

tagboard .
Talk to me ♥

links and credits .
Designer/ %PURPUR.black-
Colour Code Icons

-Adora Tan-
-Celeste Er-
-Cherie Cheah-
-Christine Ang-
-Esther Chong-
-Felicia Lim-
-Jacinth Toh-
-Janice Chew-
-Natalie Tan-
-Nicole Lim-
-Nicole Yong-
-Shannon Tan-
-Syafiqah Rodrigues-
-Tammy Tham- -Tricia Lim-
November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 May 2008 September 2008 October 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 August 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011

Friday, November 20, 2009 { 4:05 PM }

so i have been lazy yo blog lately
i went back to OLQP on both 18 & 19 Nov
18 was cuz on the 19th syafiqah couldnt go back
so it was kinda like a clique thing to go back on 18th
to make up for the 19th
in the end only me, tricia and syafiqah went -.-
christine - sick
priscilla - dunno
jacinth - volleyball
and thennnnnnnnn
we meet up at jelapang station ^^
i was the earliest
so they came
and we went in the lift, lol
got this guy gonna come in
and the lift was kinda full
cuz got baby in pram
TRICIA : close close close!
-SYAFIQAH opens the door- 
was kinda squashed
the baby in the pram very noisy.
keep on screaming
reach interchange
then take bus to OLQP
reach OLQP
syafiqah and tricia managed to persuade the guard to let us in ._.
we were the only ex students there
kinda cool
so, we chat and chat wif juniors
and went to every floor to explore
and watched the speech day rehearsal.
kinda boring, the speech day thing. d:
and then
went to plaza
go around and around
and went to library (:
take picture like siao, lol
then went mac
eat ice cream <3 
heh heh.
explore somemore and went home wif syafiqah and tricia
we slowly slowly walk home together :D
and chat and chat. 
fun tho.
end of 18th

on 19th
went to OLQP.
met christine. we saw some ppl there that didnt managed to get into the school
so we just slacked at the playground
play wif sannnnnd.
after that wait for tricia for awhile
me and christine managed to get into the school 
so waited at foyer for tricia
she came in a striking blue tee and pink shorts
so easy to regonize
and went into the school
met yun yi :D
saw juniors again
chat and chat
and then went to watch the p6 grad
their dances were nicer than ours (:
but our video montage nicer than theirs
so after that
the p6s get to slack in canteen
so we join them and slack
met jacinth there
and we chat like siaoooo
talk to juniors
and then we had to drag tricia out of conversations so that we can go plaza
and then
go bus stop
it was drizzling
then it suddenly poured O:
so we ran
but halfway jacinth christine and me gave up and slowly walk
just in case we fall :X
tricia and yun yi alr ran all the way to bus stop le
so me jacinth and christine were drenched ):< 
went to KFC for lunch :D
saw two _______________________
* clique note:             *
yall shld noe what (; 
-end of note- 
they creeped me out slightly :X
after lunch yun yi went home
so left 
me jacinth christine and tricia
and we went to library and take more pics :D
after that tricia left :D
it was pouring ):
me jacinth christine
went to mac and slack and talk
at 3pm jacinth went home in the rain since her house near (:
then left me and christine
dun wanna walk in the rain ):
so we walk around and around and around
until 4pm
STILL havent stop raining ):
so we went over jacinth house d:
slack until 5pm
then become drizzle
jacinth lend us umbrella (:
then went home

-the end(:-