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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.


CarmenYong ♥

Decemeber 8th [Present wanted!! :D]


Friendly, kind [HAHAHAH], thickskin, etc etc etc :B

I love my awesomeness friends ♥


School:Primary - CHIJ OLQP. Current - CHIJSTC! ♥

Age:Turning fourteen this year my dear ♥

tagboard .
Talk to me ♥

links and credits .
Designer/ %PURPUR.black-
Colour Code Icons

-Adora Tan-
-Celeste Er-
-Cherie Cheah-
-Christine Ang-
-Esther Chong-
-Felicia Lim-
-Jacinth Toh-
-Janice Chew-
-Natalie Tan-
-Nicole Lim-
-Nicole Yong-
-Shannon Tan-
-Syafiqah Rodrigues-
-Tammy Tham- -Tricia Lim-
November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 May 2008 September 2008 October 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 August 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011

Sunday, May 31, 2009 { 5:37 PM }

i realised something


dun ask me why((:


Wednesday, May 27, 2009 { 3:49 PM }

this has been the most number of times i have been posting
[ yay~~ ]
anyway, today was so sian!!!!
actually felt feverish today 
but thought that today got pet rocket launching
so i came to school
in the end, NOTHING today. normal lessons
[ so sway. ]
today's day sian. nothing to post bout.
but during history, me christine and jean were like
[ heh heh heh ]
[ teacher wasn't really teaching but telling marks anyway. ]

here are some pics(:

the rest of the day normal lesson
[ sian... ]
ok, im done posting(:



Tuesday, May 26, 2009 { 9:15 PM }


u wanted me to do this(:



Miss the clique! can't wait for 6 joy reunion(((:


{ 9:07 PM }

My brother is using a pikachu

picture for his mask for art!!!

this is damn random((((:
[ talk about the mascot for pet rocket :D ]

{ 7:58 PM }

since im bored again
might as well post
anyways, today was a short sianish day 
so i'll make this short(:
and btw, todays post won't be 
cuz im lazy (:
ok anyways, today's day turned out ike this:

1. had a talk on the history of our school
 [ nothing to really explain bout ]

2. founders day thing
 [ had to sing sing sing. i sing till throat pain >.< ]

3. recess
 [ errr... eat? ]

4. crime preventation talk
 [ quite interesting. the police used a lot of slang. LOL. ]

5. principal speech 
 [ sec 2s came in to the audi. was freaking cramp. alot of ppl
 no space. 2c had to go for dance (?) cool. ]

6. class family time(:
 [ we din really do anything except for talking bout the highest in class
 {NATASHA! WAY TO GO! } and relay system. then started to doodle on
 christine's paper. LOL. ]

7. dismissal(((((:
 [ was drizzling. lucky go by back door ]

8. bukit panjang plaza
 [ went to plaza wif my mum for lunch(: sad that yun yi and christine couldn't
 come. saw tricia twice. {boy that girl can scream loud. } ]

9. went home(:

the end =D


{ 4:17 PM }

i shall elaborate on yesterday's post. 
cuz yesterday was tired and bored, thats why no proper elaboration
[sorry >.< ]
anyway, yesterday
the sec 2 and 3 had a c.i.p. talk, 
which TOTALLY did not concern us
so me bernice, christine, ameilia and amanda starting telling jokes
and ghost stories
[ and boy it was scary. totally gave me the creeps ]
and my leg had a total cramping
then when the talk FINALLY finished
we went baq to class.
christine kinda saw the devil and freaked out
[ 0.o ]
then our class headed to the cyber home
we had to do three surveys
[ sian... ]
and then after it was recess((((((((:
[ no elaboration on recess, ya? ]
after that was art
art quite okaish.
[ was quite interesting(: ]
we had to do tessellation for art
it lasted for 1 period and we had to do pet rocket
when we reach the bio lab
the secondary 2D were there and had to coach/train us for pet rocket
i knew two people from 2D, alicia lim and jacobinna ng
[ shld i be happy? ]
dunno why but our pet rocket's mascot was pikachu
[ LOL! ]
after a brief expanation, 
trainers chose the groups. turns out, jacobinna was our trainer for me christine natalie and li ying
[ i dunno why she took 4 ppl. (: ]
half way we doing, li ying sudden say that wanna change group and natalie wif us
heng jacobinna say no.
[ i mean, do half way alr then say? ]
and at 1pm
our trainer had to go for course thing so
me and christine had to rush to finish the rocket
[ think we were the slowest. HAHA! ]
and then times up, clear up and pack up for dissmisal(:
[ picture of pet rocket is alr at the yesterday's post (: ]
and for the rest of the day, jus read it from yesterday's post
im starting to get lazy

can't wait for launching of rocket (;

no offence, for who'sever name mentioned in this post(:

Monday, May 25, 2009 { 6:40 PM }

im so damn freaking bored!!!!!!!!!!!because im so bored, im gonna start blogging
today wad happen arh 0.o
oh ya
got this c.i.p. thing which TOTALLY did not
concern us
[ and we had to listen to it ]
and bernice was beside me cracking jokes
and my legs were damn numb
[ OUCH! ]
then after that had to go cyber home to do survey
after that recess
[ la la la~~ ]
and then had normal lesson which was art
[ ok larh, quite interesting ]
after one period had err...
oh ya
pet rocket thing
[ our mascot was pikachu(?) ]
and then got trainer and all that
but somehow the trainer abandoned me christine they all 
cuz she nid go somewhere.
so had to do everything by ourselves
so pro
we were rushing to jus complete this whole rocket thing

here's a pic of christine and my rocket(((((:

nice rite?
                     -----after school----
christine followed me to bpp to eat lunch
and while walking in bpp
saw our pri sch fren
[ tricia lim ]
when she saw us she was like 
b4 going down the escalater
everyone was staring at us
christine was like
hurry take out name tag
we were sooo speechless
after lunch
we went baq to olqp to pick up my sis
saw some frenz
blah blah blah
now im finally done


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 { 8:03 PM }

im takin this test from kelly, so dun mind me =D

1. Are you single or attached?
   im single and always was single
2.How old are you?
  err... 12, turning 13(((:

3.Do you have a person you're in love with?
  currently, no. i DID say i was single

4. What is the name of the person you're in love with?

5. If the person you loved and your mother dropped in the sea, who would you save first?
   my mummieeeeee

6. Have you ever hugged someone before?

7. Do you love your parents?

8. Will you hug the one you love?
    -.- of course, who wouldnt?
9.Are you willing to do anything for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
   NO WAY. actually, it kinda depends on what the 'anything' is

10. Who is the last person that messaged you, what is the message?
      tammy: what hw we have? etc etc
11. Who is in your clique?
      syafiqah rodrigues, tricia lim, priscilla penelope shepherdson, jacinth toh, christine ang

12. Who are you bestfriend(s)?
     my clique =D

13. Do you smoke?
     wait long long =X

14.If your boyfriend/girlfriend is a two-timer, what would you do?
    dump him. i hate two timers

15.If you found out you had a disease ,what would you do?
     are u trying to curse me?

16.Which CCA are you in now?

17.If you were rich, what would you do?
    depends on how 'rich' i am
    but the most imp thing is to spend it! 

18.If the one you loved, held your hand, what would you do?

19. If your love rejected you, what would you do?
     whatever, i dun care -.-

20. What is your favourite cartoon character?

21. Whats your personality?
      ask my frens that question

22. Friendship or love?
     friendship =D

23.Cookie monster or elmo?

24. Who's your idol?

25.Who do you wish to marry?
     im young(;

26. Do you like to eat lollipop?
     yepp. especially coca-cola =D

27.Who are you afraid of?
     erm, no one for the time being

28.Who is your first crush?
     i kinda forget that

29.If you were going to die, who would you think of first?
     my frens and family. and im living long. **touch wood**

30.If you were kidnapped, who would you call to rescue you?
     depends on whether i can use the phone in a kidnap -.-

31.Who do you think you are?
    A girl? -a normal teenage girl, wif complications =D-

32.There is an admirer that wont die heart, what would you do?
     i never really thought of that

33.If your clique quarrel, what would you do?
     wait and see what happens(;

34.If you can have your hair dyed, what colour would it be?
      Brownish =D but i prefer my hair to be black

35.If your idol came to the country, what would you do?

36. If your idol shakes your hand, how would you react?
       ~~faint instanly???~~

37. Who was the last person you chatted on MSN?
     syafiqah rodrigues =D

38.If your boyfriend/girlfriend does not love you anymore, what would you do?
     dump him and remain friends(?) maybe

39.If your boyfriend/girlfriend cant live for more then 1 week, what would you do?
     spend time wif him?

40. What would you wear one your first date?
      casual. im not that particular on clothes

41.Do you like your form teacher?

42.What subject(s) do you like?
      i think english and history OH! and maths =D

43.If you were to present to the one you love and the whole school, what would you do?

44.Sabo 10 more ppl to do this quizz:
     my clique(: and my frenzz


Monday, May 4, 2009 { 6:15 PM }

today was weird
my mood was totally weird today
it went from total HYPER-NESSS
to total BAD MOOD and i have no idea why
haizz sian
today when i was in the school bus
it was drizzling wif LIGHTNING
i started thinking to myself
stop raining stop rainin------
wait. what am i thinking?
continue raining!!!
and just nice when i reach school
-i fell asleep-
i was drenched =X
a lot of teachers started asking
"did u bring yr thermometer?"
then the usual
went to canteen wif marilynn
-man it was cold-
when i reach class
for no reason
i was hyper
and i dun just mean hyper
i mean
chatted and joked, blah blah blah
had temperature taking
builled jessica again
-shes too innocent-
and builled sarah too
mr ng came in
had back test paper
-i scored high, for a hard paper-
here are the funny parts during bio
1. while mr ng was teaching, he suddenly went to christine's table
and suddenly helped her make her table straight?
2. when christine tried to call mr ng, she accidentally said
ms! instead
3. when mr ng asked what feed on cows blood, christine answered vampires(?)
hee hee
blah blah
then had maths
and english
recess pushed baq 1 period
had englsih again
then art
and had to give presentation on our art work
-damn! and i was the second person!-
and halfway
have to climb baq up to class to do temperature taking and go down again-.-
tiring ya noe!
and blah
mrs haizel (i think i spell her name wrongly)
never come today
had to do mindmap
and now im bored.
so im ending off.
oh and look at thhis
there was a woman that sings opera and its called carmen
-ms koh just said it in front of the class-
jean thot it was i who sang
here's the video!