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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.


CarmenYong ♥

Decemeber 8th [Present wanted!! :D]


Friendly, kind [HAHAHAH], thickskin, etc etc etc :B

I love my awesomeness friends ♥


School:Primary - CHIJ OLQP. Current - CHIJSTC! ♥

Age:Turning fourteen this year my dear ♥

tagboard .
Talk to me ♥

links and credits .
Designer/ %PURPUR.black-
Colour Code Icons

-Adora Tan-
-Celeste Er-
-Cherie Cheah-
-Christine Ang-
-Esther Chong-
-Felicia Lim-
-Jacinth Toh-
-Janice Chew-
-Natalie Tan-
-Nicole Lim-
-Nicole Yong-
-Shannon Tan-
-Syafiqah Rodrigues-
-Tammy Tham- -Tricia Lim-
November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 May 2008 September 2008 October 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 August 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 { 7:49 PM }

hey everyone...
its me again^^
jus in case u wondering how to scroll to see my posts, u hv to click on the box and place yr mouse at the edge of the box and jus scroll(:
about today...
we didn't even have a performance-_-
we only had to sing the children's day song... which we sing EVERY year...
and for the class pic, i look so OMG
followed by the lower primary sports day(on children's day?!!!)
then mass....
then prize giving...(which was boring as i didn't win anything...)
so lame sia...
i even hv to stay back till 5! (well-lll i wanted to)
wats more, my head hurts lyk SIAO in school...
lucky.. bcuz of my headache...
i dun hv to go for tuition!XP
tmr tuition at 7.30 am?!!!
after that following by tuition at 5pm
my mum gonna bring me to go for a swim after my 7.30 tuition to relieve stress
( i think i deserve it)
no more thing to say
hv to "look forward" to tmr tuition!
CARMEN... stress and forever stress(tat is.. until PSLE is over of course!)

Saturday, September 27, 2008 { 8:00 PM }

sad day...
end up that i couldn't change blogskin
as all the blogskin i wanted was corrupted...
so will be keeping this blogskin...
sorry for disappointing u ppl

{ 6:45 PM }

hey everyone, its me again!
im lyk so bored now.... doing lead hw(again!)
today wat i do ah??
today i went tuition and i was damn sian there...
6 plus now and frm 2.30 till now i hv been doing my work!
wow im so guai! LOLX:)
so... i deserve a little break now rite??
so im using the com to relax.....
my father and his fren(s) are here and now they are watching this show
(i dunno wat. but who cares?) and its on so damn loud 4 no gd reason-_-
and its so damn dark here... cuz they off all the lights
wat do they think they are doing?
watching a movie?
my parents and siblings went out to buy food while here i m
using the com finally having some peace on my own
but that was too good to be true!
my father came JUST after my mum left... sigh...
omigod... i am so damn sian...
now i waiting for my cuzin to finish his work then he can help me change blogskin...
now i dunno wat to write...
so i will be signing off...
p.s. mine and my sis new bed came today!!! so excited(:

Friday, September 26, 2008 { 5:37 PM }

my cuzin agreed to change blogskin><
when he has time....
i hope he gets it done by this week or something though...
here's today post:
during school time ms tam brought us to computer lab to do a forum or something...
after we finish that we went surfing, played games and go msn!
we did it for 1 WHOLE HOUR!!!
so cool....
but now i have to do lead.com
followed by doing tuition homework....X_X
if i change blogskin the cbox will be deleted...
so u hv to wait a while then can tag...
signing off as

Thursday, September 25, 2008 { 10:08 PM }

hey everyone! :) ( i soo not used to putting smiley faces lyk that...)
today i went to school as usual... so sian... all the lessons were ok... but a bit boring...
but still... i have to listen in order to pass my PSLE dun i? sigh...
today tricia n rachel went to syafiqah hse to do homework...
turns out that they cant do homework when nobody's forcing them! (: ( opps i did wrong way again...)
but i went home instead... i so wanted to sleep... but then i still had school homework PLUS tuition homework.... guess i hv to sleep late tonite... anyways... i had tuition today and i havent done finish my tuition homework so i had to do it all BY TODAY
hey benz! if u r looking at this post, help me change blogskin lerhs....
this blogskin sucks... no offence... bcuz this blog skin is someone DRAW one... not nice...
so if u can help me change plzzzz... or at least teach me how to change-_-... next time i meet u u better teach me how to change if not...... u die XP
help me change ah.... after my PSLE if we can go out or i can go yr hse or something u teach me....
help me change into a more realistic pic... k??
tats all for today

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 { 9:17 PM }

i noe this blogskin is very hard to see or scroll i myself also have trouble with that
but it was my cuzin who help me set and i have to ask him to help me changee...X_X
anyways its getting late and i hv to go

{ 9:02 PM }

hey everyone...
i noe i havent been blogging recently....
is just that PSLE is coming in ONE MORE WEEK!!!!
and my parents dun give me any freedom or any time of my own to do my own stuff!!!
i hate the year of p6s... sigh... might as well get over it...
cuz i still nid to get into a good school to at least make my parents happy...
if not they will be nagging at me more and i would be sooo dead....
whenever i m free i will try to post some things.... IF im free tho...
i dun think that day will come till after PSLE....
so im signing of now!